Saturday, June 6, 2015

What to Look for in a Pegan Diet Book

cookbook-539686_1280If you have committed yourself to make better food choices by going pegan, then a good pegan diet book will help you succeed in maintaining your new eating plan. Pegan diet is a term coined by Dr. Mark Hyman, which gets the best of Paleo or Paleolithic diet and Veganism.

At first, it may be difficult to see how these two lifestyles, with different types of food choices, can be combined in one diet. But Dr. Hyman boils it down to simply choosing meals that are “real, whole, fresh food that is sustainably raised.”

Now that more people are becoming aware of peganism, they are looking for a pegan diet book that they can use as a guide as they switch to a healthier lifestyle.

When you shop for one, here’s what to look for:

Thorough yet simple explanation of the topic

As mentioned earlier, the thought of combining a diet that encourages eating meat with one that forbids consuming any animal products may be incomprehensible. The truth is you have to see past the “to meat or not to meat” part of these lifestyles. What the pegan diet offers is a happy middle where one can enjoy the benefits of eating grass-fed—take note, grass-fed—meat in small quantities and incorporate more fruits and vegetables in meals.

A note-worthy pegan diet book will give detailed points on the importance of including meat, lots of plant-based food, and avoiding certain food groups such as gluten and dairy in meals.

Offers guidelines on how to transition to the new lifestyle

Changing overnight is difficult, and sometimes, not even advisable. Studies in weight loss have shown that those who lost about 1 to 2 pounds a week until they have reached their weight goal were more likely to keep the pounds off than those who resorted to crash diets.

Switching to pegan diet does require you to make better food choices, which may not be easy, especially now that we live in an era where virtually anything is available in an instant—instant noodles, microwavable lunch, and canned goods. Look for a pegan diet book that will provide you with tips on how you can smoothly change your lifestyle.

Provides tips on how to maintain the new lifestyle

The next challenge in any kind of change is maintaining it. Keep in mind that pegan diet aims for you to opt for quality food, not just for you to lose weight. Dr. Hyman emphasizes in his blog, “Don’t worry about focusing on how much you eat, if you focus on what you eat, your body’s natural appetite control systems kick into gear and you eat less.” Your book should give you pointers on how to go about the challenges that you might encounter along the way.

Sample recipes and weekly menu

Finally, look for a pegan diet book that includes sample recipes. It would also be a plus factor if the book has a weekly menu. These not only give you more ideas on what to and what not to eat, but it also takes away the stress of having to come up with what you will cook for the day. is your complete guide to pegan diet. For more tips and information, click on the link.

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