Saturday, June 6, 2015

Creating Pegan Diet Recipes your Family will Enjoy

family-eating-at-the-table-619142_1280Many pegan diet recipes are now available on the internet because more people are now exploring the benefits of peganism. Dr. Mark Hyman coined the word “pegan,” which comes from the terms “Paleo,” referring to Paleolithic diet, and “Vegan,” a no-animal product diet.

Peganism focuses on consuming fresh ingredients packed with nutrients that our bodies require. Note that these meats must be grass-fed meats, not grain-fed. This maintains the principle of Paleo diet where everything must be organic. The vegan principle of taking in more fruits and vegetables is incorporated in peganism, as well.

When making a lifestyle change, you might as well include your loved ones so that everyone will benefit from choosing healthier foods. You can start creating your own pegan diet recipes using the ones that your family already loves.

Use your existing family recipes

recipe-327934_1280Open that treasure chest and dig in for some passed on family recipes. You don’t need to filter yet which ones are pegan and which ones are not. At this stage, your goal is to have a lot of ideas for every meal. And then, choose three that you think would be quick to whip up and that everybody would love.

Substitute better ingredients

Now, it’s time to make a list. Make two columns and in the first one, list down the ingredients needed in one recipe. Go through this column and look for items that do not meet the criteria of a pegan diet recipe. In the second column, write what you can substitute for that ingredient to make it a healthier dish.

For example, if you have a shrimp pasta recipe, you can make these substitutions: olive oil for butter and zucchini (shredded to look like noodles) for pasta. The zucchini will even add dimension to your dish.

Involve your family, especially your kids

children-664069_1280Child psychologists suggest involving your kids, especially if they are picky eaters, in the food preparation. Studies have shown that children are more likely to eat a dish that they helped cook. Include your kids in the planning stage and in the meal preparation (and even in the dish washing!). When it comes to health and wellness, it’s always best to start them young by teaching them to be aware of the food that they eat—beginning with the pegan diet recipes you have created with them.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention website reports that more added sugar was found in processed and prepared food than in drinks. Furthermore, the consumption of such food and beverages has been linked to various diseases, including diabetes. Opening your child’s eyes to these data will help them make better food choices from a young age.

Try out new recipes

vegetable-755724_1280It never hurts to be a little bit more adventurous with your food, still in a healthy way, of course. Surf the net for even more pegan diet recipes. Go for the ones with ingredients you are not too crazy about. For example, if you do not exactly like kale but you do know of its high nutritional value, try out a recipe, which uses kale—even a fruits and vegetables smoothie with kale will do. You might just realize that it isn’t as bad as you remember.

To get more pegan meal plans, visit

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